About Me

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I like intellectual conversations...having said that, I confess that the above statement is true, lame, vain and seriously flawed cause intellectual conversations are not classified as intellectual conversations (atleast by the people carrying out the conversation)! Further on, intellectuals do not openly accept the fact that they are intelligent....now where does all that leave me on the intellect scale?? - the vegetarian carnivore

Wednesday 7 April 2010

My Stance

I am a Die Hard Feminist!
No I am not talking about 'The Struggle for that Unshaved Underarms'; I am more the sort who believes that men should go for 'The Shaved Underarms'....it would go a very long way on solving the bad body odor disorder!
I am more of the feminist from the eastern perspective. I am an Indian, and I have always been proud about being an Indian and ASHAMED about being an Indian 'Woman'. The social standing of an Indian woman is absolutely egregious and abominable and in the best of times it is hypocritically hysterical!!!

1 comment:

Sujju said...

Oh this is so true... you know what shwetha.. this country is not for the women who thinks practical.That is why i always felt and still feel to live in the west.you need to satisfy every one and meet up to the expectations. This changes when a gal gets married.